[Review] System-of-Systems Engineering Management


We review the SoS literature and look at SoS features and SoS as networks. And network management methods can be applied to SoSE. We have created an efficient SoSE management framework using this, and changed the network management principles of fault, configuration, accounting, performance, and security (FCAPS).


The system is a set of elements that satisfy the user's needs. And system engineering is aimed at dealing with the complexities and the difficulties that arise when systems of the system increase. We need to concentrate on the engineering of many complex systems to be integrated and this is called SoSE. There is no agreed definition altogether, but researchers have focused on its features instead. It also includes the principles of networks. Shenhar first described SoS as a network of systems. A network-centric system is an example of a collaborative SoS. In this paper, we will connect the features of SoS and two points of view of SoS to the network. To do this, we review the literature, look at the characteristics of SoS, examine network management principles, and finally present frameworks using them.

State of knowledge and practice

Systems engineering (SE)
The process of system engineering first acquires better information about complicated phenomena, second, distinguishes systems in three different environments, physical or technical, business or economic, and third, To use all the available knowledge.
System engineering is a management technique that manages the entire life cycle of a process.
There has been much understanding and development for a single system for 50 years. We now have to deal with complex integration systems and basic SE principles can be applied here.
System of Systems Engineering (SoSE)
SoS methodologies are interactions between different system-based problem-solving methods.
Shenhar referred to SoS as array.
Maier first approached the features of SoS, including operational independence and managerial independence. And SoS is defined as a combination of elements that can be regarded as systems themselves with the above two independences.

System of systems engineering (SoSE) Management

SoS features and network management model will be shown and we will show them SoSE Management Framework together.
SoS Characteristics (detailed in previous papers)
Autonomy - SoS parts are chosen independently.
Belonging - Select whether CS should be included in SoS directly.
Connectivity - The ability to connect CSs and interoperability.
Diversity - There is heterogeneity.
Emergence - Creates a new character.
These features are not completely independent and affect each other.
Network Management
The network management principle is FCAPS.
Fault management - Detects and isolates faults, and corrects abnormal behavior.
Configuration management - identifies, exercises control over, collects data from, and provides data
Accounting management - charge for resource usage
Performance management - Ensure that resources are running.
Security management - Security policy

The above five factors were modified for SoSE. Each of the above has been modified to include risk management, configuration management, business management, performance management, and policy management.

Using the SoS feature and the five management functions, we have developed a framework with four important functions. First, it has the ability to tell the current state. Second, the ability to dynamically distinguish between the five features. Third, And fourth, the ability to include conceptual parts and manage SoS.

Case study of the integrated deepwater system (IDS)

The IDS is managed with the four functions mentioned above. First, we analyze the current state of IDS. And with feedback on it, the next five are management. Finally, figure out how each of the five features are.


SoSE management framework is required. SoS features and network management principles are proposed.

Gorod, Alex, Brian Sauser, and John Boardman. "System-of-systems engineering management: A review of modern history and a path forward." IEEE Systems Journal 2.4 (2008): 484-499.


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