[Review] Modeling the Characteristics of System of Systems

We have identified the characteristics of SoS and expressed it mathematically. And we have verified that the features that are modeled and analyzed to simulate it are appropriate for representing SoS.
The word SoS is often used, but there is no agreed definition. And autonomy, belonging, connectivity, diversity, and emergence. After defining and modeling these, simulate with agent-based modeling simulation.

1. Introduction

The term SoS refers to the ability of independent and interactive systems to create special capabilities. However, there was no consolidation of justice.
Knowing the characteristics of this rather than the definition of SoS is more important to understand. The previous researchers studied about 40 SoS definitions and autonomy, belonging, connectivity, diversity, and emergence.
We made a model for this feature and personality and we did a computer simulation to prove it.

2. System terms

2.1. Traditional system
A system is defined as a set of related parts in action for the same purpose, a set of associated components that work together for the same goal, and so on. In conclusion, the three elements of the system are summarized as follows: first, elements that act, second, each element is related, and third, there is a common goal or purpose. Based on this, the definitions given in this paper are "a set of elements acting and interacting with some common goals (s)".

2.2. System of Systems (SoS)
There is no precise definition of SoS, but introduces the definition of various people. Based on this, we found three things in common. First, SoS is a system by itself. Second, the systems constitute SoS. Third, constituent systems are independent before and after joining SoS.
SoS features help you to understand this better. Using the features derived from many definitions, the definition given in this paper is "a type of system composed of traditional systems and distinguished by the dynamic properties of autonomy, belonging, connectivity, diversity, and emergence".

2.3. Autonomy
The autonomy in SoS is "the ability to complete one's own within limits and control of another entity".

2.4. Belonging
Belonging is the ability of a system to extend its goals to SoS goals. Belonging may need to give up independence and balance it with autonomy. "The acceptance ability and need to make a valued contribution to the goal of the larger entity".

2.5. Connectivity
Most SoS descriptions describe the connectivity of component systems. The internal connections of SoS are represented by the interactions within the whole. SoS systems are geographically dispersed and connected. & Quot; capability to form connections as needed & quot;

2.6. Diversity and emergence
Autonomy, belonging, connectivity is the fundamental competency set of SoS. Diversity ensures the capabilities of multiple systems, and autonomy ensures that these capabilities are the goals of the system. SoS creates new behavior by factors such as CS autonomy, participation decision, increased connectivity, and SoS behavioral diversity.

3. Modeling a SoS

3.1. Theoretical Model
We propose a mathematical theory model.
Assuming that the system is a set Si, the elements of the system can be called the action set of the system: Ai, the target set Gi, and the other element set: Ei. And Gi should not be an empty set.
And the autonomous system is the ability of the system to succeed, and more actions are needed for more goals. Thus, the autonomous system is proportional to the combination of the Ai subset.
And diversity can be defined as Ai is not an empty set and its size must be larger than 1, since diversity guarantees various other capabilities of the system.
And SoS S * is a set of systems and should have a target G * of SoS.
And the behavior of each system Ai moves for G *. Ai -> G *
At this time, the system belonging to the goal of SoS belongs to the intersection of f (Ai) and G * in Ai, and it should be above a certain threshold value. This threshold value is inversely proportional to the specific gravity of the specific system. (That is, the higher the minimum contribution that you can belong to, the less system you can join to your SoS goal.)
And the connection between each system is that two systems are connected if the connectors that each system has are connected in common.

3.2. Simulation demonstration
To simulate this, AnyLogic, an agent-based modeling (ABM) tool, was used and the researchers expressed the scenario as a joint paper work. Researchers, who are each system, join if they have goals that overlap with the goal of SoS, and they are allowed to join if their contribution is above the threshold. When the paper is finished, a new goal is created and researchers who do not agree with it are left.

4. Conclusions and future research

We defined five characteristics of SoS, and modeled it as set theory. And the simulation proved this. In the future, we must build a more robust agent-based model and theoretical model.

Baldwin, W. Clifton, and Brian Sauser. "Modeling the characteristics of system of systems." System of Systems Engineering, 2009. SoSE 2009. IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2009.


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