[Review] Architecting Principles for Systems-of-Systems


We suggest the definition, classification, and structure of a system of systems. The system of systems is also called collaborative systems. The structure of the system of systems is mostly communications.

1. Summary

Is there a difference between a complex large-scale system and systems of systems? There is operational / managerial independence as a method to classify them. Systems of systems or collaborative systems must fulfill two requirements. First, it has a valid purpose and works for it. Second, component systems are managed by their own purposes, not the whole purpose.
SoS is defined on an interface basis.

2. Discussion

2.1. What is a "System of Systems"?
"Assemblages of components that are themselves significantly more complex, so much so that they may be regarded as systems and assembled into a larger system"
Collaborative system, federated system
Examples: wide area networks (such as TCP / IP), integrated air defense: centralized control or not

2.2. Collaborative System-of-Systems Definition
There are two criteria: Operational Independence (the component must be able to operate separately from the SoS), Managerial Independence (it must be able to operate independently as well as actually operate independently).
Complexity and distribution are not criteria.

2.3. Architectural Principles
stable intermediate forms: It must have technical, economic, and political stability, and the components must be able to be separated without destroying the behavior.
Policy triage: Helping you die helps you, and helping you survive alone does not help. Determine what to control or what is not.
Leverage at the interface: The biggest impact of system architecture is on the interface. The structure of SoS is the interface itself.
Ensuring cooperation: In order for a component to cooperate, its benefits must be greater than cost and there must be incentives. The goodness of one participant depends on the goodness of the other participants.

2.4. Argument for the Taxonomic Node

2.5. Design Heuristics and Examples of Systems-of-Systems

2.6. Taxonomy: Virtual, Voluntary, and Directed Systems
Directed: directed SoS is an integrated SoS created and managed to meet specific goals. Components are capable of operating independently, but they work primarily for central purposes.
Collaborative: The central management organization has little power, and the components must participate voluntarily.
Virtual: There is no central authority or goal. It relies on relatively invisible mechanisms. Standards are set by several people, and the target changes according to the user.

2.7. Misclassification
Misclassification is the case of confusing SoS with a system that is not, and misidentifying SoS as directed, collaborative, or virtual.

2.8. Communications as Architecture
Leverage at the interface, policy triage, stable intermediate form, and communication.

3. Conclusion

We defined two classification criteria that define SoS, and we have looked at four principles of structure. And referred to the structure of communication.

Maier, Mark W. "Architecting principles for systems-of-systems." INCOSE International Symposium. Vol. 6. No. 1. 1996.


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